i was biking through the playa at midnight when i came across a colorful garden of glowing sex toys*. it was a solar-powered art installation by randy polumbo, a pioneer for off-the-grid living. polumbo’s art was the talk of many that year, as it bobbled slightly in the cool desert breeze. you can view additional work by visiting randy’s website. AND for my favorite part—go here > videos > the grotto and garden of manifest destiny to see randy talk about his art and his experience at burning man.

*photo compliments of stargazer95050.
Watching the video about the "making of" reminded me why I love to make art. It's fun! You get dirty! Other people do it with you! Yay.
Also: we are going to Burning Man. Maybe when Dara is around 7 or 8. 5 or 6? Your photos and posts make me want to go baaaaaack!
i saw SO many kids this year! mostly in the 3 to 6 range...one really cute one at center camp wearing a cape over his water pack. here’s a cutie : )
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